学员学习动态-英语培训 English
training 2020年1月9日-13日,表演艺术2019/1届学员参加了学校组织的为期5天英语强化训练。每天的课程都由学校聘请的不同的外教为学员开展培训,课堂互动率高,语言实用性强,充分调动学员的学习热情。学员们对英语培训的反馈是“如果当年能这样学习英语,我现在的英语肯定能达到流利对话的水平”。 From
9 to 13 January 2020, the class of 209/1
of performing arts participated in a
five-day intensive English training
organized by the school. Every day, the
school employs different foreign
teachers to train the students. The
classroom interaction rate is high and
the course is practical, which fully
arouses the students' enthusiasm for
learning. "If I had learned English
like this, I would be able to speak
English fluently now," one of the
student said.