学员学习动态-院长上课 2020年1月19日,艺术学院院长Chutima博士为表演艺术2019/1届学员进行论文指导,表演艺术2019/2届学员到场旁听,由香丽(泰国籍)进行课堂翻译。院长在课堂上用自身研究论文的实际案例为学员们讲解论文写作方法,学员们认真听取,并积极提问。下课后学员们与院长合影留念。 On
January 19, 2020, Dr. Chutima, Dean
Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, guided
the thesis for the 209/1 class of
performing arts students, and the 209/2
class of performing arts students
attended the class. In class, the dean
used the actual cases of his own
research to explain the method of thesis
writing to the students. The students
listened carefully and asked questions
actively. The students took photos with
the dean after class.