学校聘请金千秋教授作为表演艺术专业的中国博导 金千秋(金秋)教授,吉林省长春人,1955年生,博士毕业于中国艺术研究院,主要从事舞蹈史论研究,原北师大舞蹈系主任,现任江南影视艺术学院音乐舞蹈学院教学院长。与他人合作国家级科研课题《从游式教学》获得国家级教学成果二等奖。2008年获得文化部全国艺术规划办批准课题《非物质文化遗产与舞蹈素质教育》,以及中国教育学会“十二五”教育科研规划课题《舞蹈艺术素质教育课程改革研究》。出版个人专著有《中国传统文化与舞蹈》、《古丝绸之路乐舞艺术研究》、《中国民族舞蹈艺术创作研究》等。 SSRU employs
Professor JIN QIAN QIU as a Chinese
doctoral supervisor of Performing
Arts Professor Jin
Qianqiu (Jinqiu), is from Changchun,
Jilin Province.She was born in 1955. Her
Ph.D.graduated from the Chinese Academy
of Art, mainly engaged in dance history
research.She is the former head of Dance
Department of beinormal University, is
the current Dean of music and Dance
College of Jiangnan film and Television
Art College . She won the second prize
of national teaching achievement for his
national scientific research project
"from traveling teaching".In
2008, the project "intangible
cultural heritage and dance quality
education" was approved by the
National Art Planning Office of the
Ministry of culture.She has published
personal monographs such as
"Chinese traditional culture and
dance", "Research on the art
of music and dance along the ancient
Silk Road", "Research on the
art creation of Chinese national
dance", etc 宣素那他皇家大学受聘书 Employment
certificate of SSRU 受聘书中文翻译参考 Chinese
translation reference of the Employment
certificate 受聘仪式 Engagement
ceremony 个人形象照片Personal image