宣素那他皇家大学与广西艺术学院签订合作协议 Suan
Sunandha Rajabhat University and Guangxi
Arts University signed a
Atsavaseranee分别代表两校签约。 On June 24
, 2019, Guangxi Arts University and Suan
Sunandha Rajabhat University signed a
cooperation agreement in the conference
room 1802 of Lijiang school of painting
building. Hou Daohui, vice President of
Guangxi Arts University, and Somchai
Atsavaseranee, chairman of the committee
for the promotion of university affairs
at the Suan Sunandha Rajabhat
University, signed the contract on
behalf of the two universities
respectively. 链接:https://gjjy.gxau.edu.cn/xwdt/bmxw/content_228774